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Session info

what should I know before booking?

Know that safety is of utmost importance. We'll keep an eye out for conditions leading up to the session but keep in mind to be flexible on location depending on conditions. If conditions are at all unsafe we won't swim out.

When/where do Land + Sea session normally take place?

There are many beautiful places along the Kona and Waikoloa coast that are great on land and in water. Upon booking we'll go over your location preferences and I'll give you a location brochure for you to browse your favorites. Then we'll keep an eye on conditions and meet at the best spot!

As far as time of day goes, mornings are best. We'll start on land at sunrise (ranging from 5:45 am in May to 7:00 am in January) and then jump in the water at the end when the sun is higher and brighter.

What are some things I should be able to do?

It's also crucial that you are comfortable swimming in the open ocean (not the pool) and can tread water for 20-30 minutes. Other things to consider are swimming underwater without holding your nose and practice holding your breath.

Are there options if I'm not comfortable in deep ocean waters or able to dive deep?

Definitely! We can stay in the shallows and do some fun ones where you stay close to the surface and capture some over and under shots.

Also you can stay on land when I go into the water and shoot back towards land.